商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:xf1031.qy6.com 供应ChinaS Stainless steel pipe_幸峰五金加工厂
联系人:Ms. Wen 先生 (经理)
电 话:0760-23636141
手 机:13902594004


供应ChinaS Stainless steel pipe


    Stainless steel pipe to remove impurities black cleaning and maintenance ChinaStainless steel cutlery factory

Stainless steel cutlery cleaning and maintenance to remove wipe copper water that is bright.

boiling for some time, until after cooling out, you will find these pot has been bright as new. But beware, stainless steel

utlery with wooden handle if it is not placed in boiling water for steaming, boiling, hot, to avoid the wooden handle and plastic handle expansion due to heat damage. Cleaning and maintenance of other ways:Stainless steel pipe

1. Before use, the surface can be coated with a thin layer of vegetable oil containers, and then dried in the fire, which is equal to the vessel surface to put a layer of yellowish film "clothes." Thus, using them both easy to clean, and can prolong life.

Immediately wash with warm water to avoid oil, soy sauce, vinegar, tomato juice, surface material and utensils after 2. Use role, leading to a stainless steel surface dull pale, and even dent.

3. Stainless steel cutlery after washing, the appearance of water stains to be dry. Because, when heated, especially when the use of briquettes in the furnace, it will produce sulfur dioxide, sulfurous acid, and sulfuric acid produced during combustion and sulfur trioxide with water, which will affect the life of the vessel.

Ms. Wen 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0760-23636141
传  真: 0760-23772159
移动电话: 13902594004
公司地址: 中国广东中山市火炬开发区
邮  编: 528400
公司主页: http://xf1031.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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幸峰五金加工厂 公司地址:中国广东中山市火炬开发区
Ms. Wen 先生 (经理) 电话:0760-23636141 传真:0760-23772159
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